How Energy Heals

We all have within us the ability to heal - and we believe it for the small things such as healing a cut or healing a broken bone. But most of us have a hard time accepting the fact that we can heal from an illness or disease.

Part of the problem is that we are all waiting for cures to be developed. So instead of being proactive with our own health, we rely on temporary “fixes” that make us temporarily feel better.

But what is the alternative? For many, it’s energy. And there are many forms of energy healing - some of which are very well accepted in today’s society. It took a while, but acupuncture, which is a form of energy healing, is widely accepted now. Reiki is another form of energy healing that is becoming more and more common - even in healthcare facilities. Many nurses are now becoming reiki practitioners.

How does energy heal?
First of all, we must realize that we are all made of energy. We are not solid matter, even though it may seem that way. As energy passes through our body, our cells respond. You may have experienced this response during Harmonic Egg sessions in the form of tingling or twitching in your body. This cellular response indicates a physical response to energy. And a physical response is when you begin to put yourself into the mindset that your body can heal itself. This is important because if we don’t believe our bodies can heal themselves, then it’s most likely not going to happen.

You may have doubts that you can heal yourself. Start by putting yourself into a state of positivity and gratitude, because until you feel grateful for the life you are living, you most likely won’t want to do the work of healing yourself. That may sound harsh, but it’s the truth. Until you are ready to spend the time needed to focus on your health, your results will be sporadic. But when you make a commitment to yourself to spend time on your health, that is when you will start to see more dramatic results.

Life Force Energy is Healing Energy

You may have heard the phrase “life force energy” when learning about energy healing modalities such as the Harmonic Egg or Reiki. But what exactly is life force energy and where does it come from?

Each of us has within us, life force energy. This is the energy that responds to energy healing. So no matter if you receive the energy healing from an energy healing practitioner, a modality such as biofield tuning or the Harmonic Egg, you are receiving varying degrees of energy.

What makes the Harmonic Egg so powerful is the scalar energy within the Egg
that is focused on your intention. Because you are in an enclosed space, all the light and sound frequencies are focused on you. And because we select each color and each piece of music based on your intention for the session, each session is customized specifically for you. Why is this important?

You may find other healing modalities that use color and sound, yet you are sitting in a room with other people. This type of energy healing is not customized for each client. So when you are searching for an energy healing modality, be sure to consider whether or not this is the right one for you. And when you make your decision, we are confident you will choose the Harmonic Egg. 

By Jean Hanson 22 Mar, 2024
We are all looking for ways to stay healthy but in today’s world it’s become a huge challenge. Toxins are everywhere - in the air, in our water, even in the food we eat. Instead of filling the grocery shelves with more fruits and vegetables, grocery stores fill the aisles with processed foods with unhealthy ingredients. We all have the same goal - to stay healthy. Yet it seems almost impossible when temptation is all around us, preventing us from sticking to our goals. We love to socialize with friends and family at restaurants, but once again, we are faced with too many unhealthy choices. The other problem we have these days has to do with exercise. Too many of us sit at desks all day long. Not only does that mean we don’t get enough exercise, it also means we’re cooped up inside for most of the day. Sitting inside all day long is not only stressful, it’s a detriment to our health. So this is the battle we face every day - being surrounded by unhealthy food and an unhealthy environment. It’s no wonder we struggle with our health. Even when we try making changes to our lifestyle, it’s hard to keep up with. Something always seems to be getting in the way - no time to shop for healthy food, work demands and family obligations. How are we supposed to carve out time to stay healthy when we have so many demands on our time? As frustrating as it is, I want to encourage you not to throw in the towel. There are still things you can do if you want to stay healthy. Start by drinking at least 60 ounces of water a day. I know that sounds like a lot to some of you, so try working your way up - drinking this much water every day is critical to your health. We need water to flush toxins from our bodies, hydrate our cells and organs, and keep our bones and joints from becoming dehydrated. Another thing you can do is to limit the amount of meat you eat each week. When you do eat meat, limit your portion size. Instead, fill your plate with more vegetables. If you can cut back on meat, you’ll need to incorporate other sources of protein into your diet. Try adding more variety to your diet with protein sources like quinoa, lentils, beans and nuts. Adding more vegetables into your diet is crucial to your health. If you can, commit to eating vegetables with every lunch and dinner - it’s a great way to stay committed to incorporating more vegetables into your diet. Fruit is just as important as vegetables to your diet. And it’s a great way to curb those cravings for sugary, processed sweets. None of these changes are easy, but if you are serious about improving your health you’ll give it a try. When you can keep trying to do the right things, you’ll not only feel better about yourself, you’ll feel better about your health.
Harmonic Egg in Arizona
16 Aug, 2022
Arizona Daily Mix visits the Harmonic Egg at Realign Your Life Wellness Center
15 Jul, 2022
Have you ever worn a piece of clothing that made you feel really good? Chances are, you loved the color. Most people don’t feel good wearing something in a color they don’t love. What is it about that color that makes you feel good? Think about the color red. How does it make you feel? For many women, it makes them feel strong and powerful. When they wear yellow they feel cheery and joyful. But how do you feel when you wear a color like gray? Probably not terribly cheerful, but probably more serious.
13 May, 2022
Becoming healthy is a life-long commitment. But it doesn’t have to be hard. In fact, it can be enjoyable when you incorporate the Harmonic Egg into your plan.
06 Apr, 2022
Sometimes when we talk about the Harmonic Egg, people don't understand how music and color provide energy healing to people and animals. So here is an explanation that will help explain how music works.
24 Feb, 2022
It’s important for clients to realize that your body will start to detox during your Harmonic Egg session. So you need to be aware of how this might affect you. First and foremost – don’t be deterred if you feel a bit uncomfortable, both physically and/or emotionally, after your session. This is normal and a part of detoxifying your body and it will pass. Your body will be shifting as it rids itself of toxins. So be sure to drink lots of water to flush the system.
24 Feb, 2022
Now that you’ve booked your first Harmonic Egg session, you’re probably wondering what to expect.
Jean Hanson, Co-Owner discusses the Harmonic Egg on Arizona Daily Mix
01 Dec, 2021
Realign Your Life Wellness Center, featuring the Harmonic Egg will be opening on December 9, 2021. Jean Hanson, Co-Owner was interviewed by Arizona Daily Mix host Brad Perry.
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