Higher Guidance Life Coaching (3 Pack)

Regularly $180 per session, buy the Package and Save $60!

Book your first session today and we will book the next 2 sessions after we meet.

Life is full of challenges and often times it’s hard to decide which direction to go. What if you already had the answers to all your questions? What if those answers just needed to be unlocked from your Higher Self?

The key is to connect to your Higher Guidance - that part of you that has all the answers you seek. I can be the conduit to bridge your conscious mind with your subconscious soul. Experience what it is like to connect to your Spirit Guides and receive direct guidance from them, through me.

This session will be approximately one hour. In addition to your session, I do additional pre-work with your Higher Guidance to prepare for the session. That time is included with this payment.

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